Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I was so close to quiting today just to yell at this customer. She wanted free bread, couldn't get it, and through a hissy-fit. Damn middle-aged asians. They always want their free things. I had to storm off to the bathroom just to calm down.

Yes, today was bad.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiii graddy! =) NO!! don't quit who will give me free bread?! haha kiddiingg =P but NO!! don't quit! ughh yeah! i no waht you mean about azns. gahh like when they don't have their membership card they need to buy a temp one. but when you tell them. they're like "no thank you" ughhh so GAYY!!! gahh. makes me mad. you have to explain it to them. and then they get mad at you!! errgghhrrghgghhrrgughh. and ughh THERE IS TO BE NO INTERMINGLING!! gahhh. people. shheshz. hahah well GRADDY REMEMBER SMILING IS PART OF THE UNIFORM! FAKE SMILES ARE UNACCEPTABLE! hahahaha

10:21 PM  

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