Tuesday, October 26, 2004

What a day! I was 2.5 hours late for class and that earned me a detention for tomorrow har har. Oh well, if you're gonna do something wrong, do the hell out of it! But it's fair trade, 1 hour after school for 2.5 hours missed school :) Well that's my day.


Thursday, October 21, 2004

Pope wins! And he's much more better


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Retard is a fat bastard! He tried to eat me once!

Lately i've been trying to learn how to whistle. It's not going well, but by the end of this year, I WILL WHISTLE.

There's so many things i hate about junior year, there's only a few good things that keep me going.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Why do you people have to talk about me behind my back? It's crap like this that makes me want to call the whole thing off, 'cause it's too much god damn trouble for me when all of you are just enjoying my toil.

The burden's not spread out, it's condensed solely on me.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

I should start running into people yelling "NO" and "NO IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN" and "I CAN DO BETTER"...maybe that last one as too harshe, but you know what I mean...hell maybe i'll point and laugh saying "ARE YOU KIDDING?!"


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I like not having braces anymore...and i get blue retainers! How kickass is that?!
