Friday, December 24, 2004

Hey kids! It's me Grady, your local Blog whore!
It's been awhile since an update, so here's one just for shits and giggles. I've given up on a few things (wont say what) because it was just to hard. These past few days have been uneventful. Really looking forward to the video game get-together with Garret and Scott, IF THAT EVER HAPPENS.
Trying very hard to get my chinese get-up down. I used to be able to do it, but now I'm gonna do it without hands!. Still working on getting that wushu video up and if any of you know a site I can host it on, please tell me, or else I just have to gMail or AIM it to you.


To the 8 people that actually read this, thanks for sticking around!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I can whistle!
