Hmph. Well, none of the computer stores near Walnut have good video cards for a reasonable price. So, I have to order it online and it'll be ariving in 10-14 days. This means that I can't finish my computer over the break *sadface*. Oh well, good things come to those who wait.
Today when I was hunting for the right card, I got into an argument with a Best Buy clerk. He was saying the ATI Pro was stronger than the ATI XT, and I kept telling him he was wrong, but he wouldn't listen *happyface*. It was pretty funny 'cause it was a dorky as hell arguement. So then I just said, "You know what, I'm going to Fry's. Thanks for your help," and left.
Well, that sums it up for today.
Today when I was hunting for the right card, I got into an argument with a Best Buy clerk. He was saying the ATI Pro was stronger than the ATI XT, and I kept telling him he was wrong, but he wouldn't listen *happyface*. It was pretty funny 'cause it was a dorky as hell arguement. So then I just said, "You know what, I'm going to Fry's. Thanks for your help," and left.
Well, that sums it up for today.