Exhausted from nothing.
Went jogging with Garret today. I realized how out of shape I was when I could only do 5 laps. How sad.
Later that day...
Brian called me up out of nowhere and wanted to hang out. After five minutes of me saying, "Get the hell away from me!" I finally gave in. So we decided to get something to eat at Ikea and then headed off to the mall. When we got out of the car, I made sure all the doors were locked (no automatic locks) and we were off to look around the mall. Ten minutes later, Brian gives himself a patdown, "Crap where are my keys?!" And yeah...the keys were in the ignition. So he had to have his parents drop off a spare key.
This is what happens with cautiousness and stupidity collide.
My boobs are coming in! Anyways, congrats Brian, I never doubted you for a minute!
Went to Long John's today. The food there was great, especially the ambiguously shaped fried bread.
It's funny 'cause they look like things...things I wouldn't want to bite.
Ah what the hell, it still tastes good. The rest of the day...not gonna get into. Bye
This cough is getting annoying. Damn you Natasya!
There, I still hate you though.
Today started out normally...until 2nd period. I looked at my watch and realized that it wasn't there! Which means my keys aren't there too, since they're linked up. Then..."Crap! My wallet's not in my pocket. FUCK ME" So for a while, I felt like I was bankrupt and homeless (or as I told Wesley, "brankless and homerupt." Thankfully, Brian let me stay at his place for the day. Well...that actually sounds like a normal day, but still...!
Today also marked the first good-will mission with President Ghosh. We traveled far, looked for items, and gave to the needy. Hopefully this will be the first of many diplomatic missions.
Wow! I did Chistmas shopping today with my awesome friend Amanda! We went to a lot of places...but can't say which ones or else people will know what we go them! Heh, but I was so close to accidentally stealing one of the gifts, it was halarious!
But I still need to get Amanda a gift...someone give me some ideas!
What's the difference between a haircut and a trim? BLARGH
Okay, I just got a, "trim." It looks very strange...the sides weren't shaved, and the hair on the top of my head was thinned out.