Today I got pwnt by Mr. Gandana...twice. He was laughing so hard at me!It was weird but funny at the same time.Bye
Today I turned 18.
Heh, the day started off with Garret making me wear a shirt telling the world that I was older. Plus he gave me some balloons to make sure everyone would know what day it was. Thank you, Garret!! Oh well, atleast I got some hugs out of it.
Afterschool I went out with Brian to do stuff that only adults can do. Let's pack of Marlboros (still unopened), a lighter, and a lotto ticket (didn't win). It felt great to have to show the cashiers my ID...heh and each time they checked, they said happy birthday to me! I was thinking about getting a porno magazine...but the thought of it got me depressed, plus Brian would want to "barrow" it hah.
Yeup...after that I went to Brian's place for awhile, that was fun, especially since I havn't been there for awhile.
Well, that's pretty much my day.
I went out for a walk today at 4AM.The streets were completely empty. The only noise you could hear were my lone footsteps and many thoughts. It felt great to be out in the wide open night all alone. Something about the quiet emptiness hushed my thoughts. I walked against the would-be-traffic just wondering. For a moment, I saw the moon, it seemed closer than normal. It was bright and full but the clouds were trying to cover it up. It was depressing because no one else would be able to enjoy it. Oh well.These nights are mine.Bye
Wow, what a horrible week it's been. I had really bad insomnia this week, which meant no sleep for two consecutive nights. When I got home from school today, I decided to give sleep a try. It worked, but when I woke up, my chest and head were very much numb. Right now I'm really dizzy, and out of it. Oh well. There's so much going wrong right now, it's really depressing. Bye
Look at the time, this is insomnia. I tried sleeping, but that didn't work. So now I'll eat half a veggie burrito and watch some adult swim.Hm...let's go to google and search up what causes this strange phenomenon of insomnia.Stress, anxiety, worry, depression, and other mood disorders.Yeah...that sounds about right.I'm bored and there's very little consistancy in this entry. Better end it soon.Bye
Better post now before I fall asleep.
Last night, I didn't get any all. At the time of me writing this, I've been awake for 25 hours.
Today was the first day back at school, so I needed a little pick-me-up to keep me awake through the day. So in the early morning, Garret and I go to Starbucks to get some coffee. When we get there I see William! It was so unexpected haha.
"Oh man! William!!! How've you been?" *handshake...then hug (man hug)*
Anyways, when I get to school, I've had about ten sips of my black coffee when suddently something falls on my cup. I initially thought it was water from a tree branch because it was raining before. When I look up, no branches, just was bird crap. Hah, "What are the fucking chances of that happening?! IT WENT STRAIGHT FOR MY COFFEE!!!" I couldn't stop laughing for a long time because it was such BS! Even in english class I was feeling a little crazy 'cause of that haha.
The rest of the day wasn't too exciting, but damn, what a morning!
Anyways, I'm tired. It's now been 25 hours and 15 minutes since I last slept.
Time for bed!
(I HATE seagulls and love sudoku)
Hmm...I wonder what I'd look like as a South Park character...
Oh...heh, that's cool. Bye
Ah, another year has gone by.
Remeber, this is a new year. That means monsters will move faster and have more health. So watch out!
Good luck in the new year!!!